Sunday 15 April 2012

Amazing Weekend!

Wow! What an awesome weekend! Sorry I haven't really blogged about it at all (been SO busy) I will just catch you up now.
So on Friday I went riding with Zoe and Tessa. That was lots of fun! Khamy was really good. Probably the best ride I've had all week actually! He wasn't lazy at all and did everything I asked really well! I rode bareback after which was really fun as well. Khamy is the most comfortable horse I have ever ridden bareback! He is so smooth! Since I am so slow untacking we were the last ones in the barn and I had some nice cuddles with Kham :) He is so adorable!
Yesterday I had an even better day! In the morning we helped clear some of the overgrown branches in the forest trails. After that we had some lunch and then Zoe asked if I wanted to go dirt biking. This was my first time and I was a little nervous but decided to try it. I only fell of once haha, well I didn't really 'fall off' it was more of a 'jump' off. What happened was, I was trying to turn and I accidentally hit the gas really hard and it took off REALLY fast and I just sort off stood up and it went out from underneath me and fell over......I couldn't help but laugh!
After dirt biking Zoe, Jenny and I went for a really nice hack. It was lovely! We went all around the mini forest trail across the road and then we went into the Ganaraska! It was Khamy's first time out into the Ganny this year and he was amazing! I was walking with my reins on the buckle and he was fine, didn't spook at anything!
I think the best part of out trail ride was when we were on the private trail Zoe and I were singing 'What Makes You Beautiful' at the top of our lungs haha, it was hilarious! And the horses were like "What are you doing?"
Oh and something else I thought was pretty funny was when we were on the part of the trail that runs beside the highway, I waved to a car and an old lady who was in the passenger's seat like had her face glued to the window and her eyes were SO wide haha it was like she's never seen a horse before!

Well that's about it for my fabulous weekend! I am going riding tomorrow so I will see you soon!


Teagan & Khamy


  1. Thanks for following my blog :)

    I totally understand about being busy, life is crazy, especially with spring and I am graduating with my B.A. and getting married!!!

    Glad you had a great weekend.

    1. wow! you are REALLY busy! i love your blog! it's nice to read about people who share the same passion :)
